Welcome to the Official Screech species information guide! Here you can learn everything there is to know about those silly mouth creatures we call Screeches.There's a lot to learn. Where do you want to start?
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The creation and creator of the screeches
Screeches are an open species discovered- or.. created by me Andrea / SunbeamNeedleworks.The story behind the creation of the species is pretty silly. In 2022 I made my fursona Loveness (she was named “Screech” at the time) and I decided to turn her into a fursuit. I posted a video of her freshly finished suit on tiktok and it caught lots of attention from people asking if she was a closed species and if they could make one. Flattered by the interest and excited to see more fursonas like loveness I decided to make an official open species named after lovenesses original name “Screech”.
When I first made the species official there were around 20 screeches. Now there's TONS! (I stopped counting after around 100) As you can imagine there's been a growing demand for more information on the species. Even though I'd love to have a one on one conversation with every screech creator about the details of the species, I feel like a guide is the best way to get the word out.I tried my best to make this guide cute, interesting and informative. Are you catching the “jungle explorer’s notes” vibes? I hope so. If you find any errors, have positive/negative feedback or if you have questions that the guide doesn't answer feel free to reach out to me through email using the form in the "Rules and Q&A" section. or using any of these platforms below.
Screech Anatomy
Each screech is unique with its own adaptation related features (if you're not sure what an adaptation related feature is read the "Screech habitats" section. but no matter where your screech lives they will always have these defining features. They are what make a screech a screech!

Screeches will always have: 2 tiny glittering eyes, “lips”, 6 top teeth (2 are large fangs and the rest are small) and stand to be around 3-4’ tall.besides the defining features the rest of the screech is up to you. for example your screech can have any king of tail, any kind of markings wings, horns and so on and still count as a screech.

Screech habitats
Screeches live on a planet called shmorp. This planet is similar to earth except it is larger and made up of 55.5% forest land.

This forestland is broken up into 5 biomes. Jungle forest, Tropical forest, Desert forest, Arctic forest and an Ocean forest. Screeches are very adaptive to the environment they live in and develop special physical adaptations and traits. Explore the buttons below to learn about each biome and how they impact screeches.
Every biome has its own large fruits, trees and natural structures that screeches hollow out and turn into houses.

these are just a few of the fruits that grow in each of the 5 biomes.

Information And Traits

A screech is a 3-4’ tall herbivore that stands on two legs and eats mostly fruit. They are very social creatures and are always seeking out connections with other screeches. They are usually in packs of two or more. They communicate with their pack using mostly whispers and clicking sounds but they can speak at normal volumes.

Screeches are very happy creatures and are smiling most of the time but this doesn't mean they don't feel and express other emotions too.

Screeches have very bad eyesight and depend heavily on their sense of smell. They smell through their whiskers/antlers/antennas.(whatever you wana call em.) The more whiskers a screech has the better their sense of smell is.

Screeches are asexual and asexually reproduce. Screeches only asexually reproduce when they have formed an extremely close bond with another screech and want to start a family.
When a screech asexually reproduces they are able to choose a body part to reproduce from (usually the whiskers or tail.). The screech partners perform a ritual until the body part of choice separates from the screech's body and becomes a baby screech. When the ritual is over the screech who reproduced will not have the body part until it grows back in 2-3 months.
The ritual performed between the screech couple during asexual reproduction usually consists of singing and dancing.

The life expectancy of a screech is 108 human years.
When a screech has passed away they are buried in a special flower garden that is shared by the screech community. Each screech that is buried grows a different flower for the garden. Screeches believe that their loved ones live on as flowers.
Species rules
Credit me (Sunbeam Needleworks) when making/selling screech characters.
Don't copy or closely reference anybody else's screech. (especially Loveness and Oddball.)
follow defining features on the "Screech Anatomy" section.
Do i have to pay to make a screech?
Nope! screeches are an open species.Can I sell screech adopts?
yes! just be sure to credit me for creating the species so new screeches can always find the guide. (sunbeam Needleworks)Can screeches live in fruits that already exist?
No. Fruits on planet shmorp can look similar to fruits we have on earth but they aren't completely the same.Can screeches have a feral form?
No. screeches are anthropomorphic only.is there such thing as a rare screech/rare screech trait?
Yes. Arctic, Desert and Ocean screeches are more rare than other screeches due to the size/living conditions on each biome.Does my screech have to be adapted to the biome they live in?
No. your screech doesn't have to be completely adapted to the biome they live in. adaptation traits from other biomes.Have an unanswered question? shoot me an email. (please make sure your question isn't already answered somewhere in the guide.)
OR reach out to me on any
of these platforms below.